Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sweetening the bet

Darth Tator called up SuperPat and offered him a deal that he just couldn't resist.  He thought to entice SuperPat further by adding some incentives to the already sweet deal.  Darth has offered to up the ante by going on 50 dates if SuperPat is the winner.  He also heard what SuperPat wants to do with his reward money so he agreed to have dinner with SuperPat at Rodizios in SLC when Tim and Kat get married,  The catch, SuperPat must be completely independant with the walker by Tim's wedding on December 17th.  SuperPat says he already feels the money sliding out of Darth Tator's pocket and into SuperPat's hand.  The money is as good as his!

For Tuesday, we are pleased to report that SuperPat was able to walk 5 minutes on the treadmill.  He stopped walking at exactly 2 minutes but SuperGirl pulled out her secret weapon and SuperPat went the distance to earn a lemon berry slushie from Sonic.  SuperGirl was too tired to go to 7-11.  So the next challenge, figuring out how to make SuperPat's feet stay on the pedals of the exercise bike.  Neither the rope or the bubble gum worked (the gum was an accident.  How someone who rarely walks always manages to step in gum is a mystery to me). 

That's all from SuperPat.  SuperPat, powered by Slurpee.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What Faith can Do

Well, SuperGirl has a new favorite song.  More about this later, but first the skinny.  (or maybe the chunky in our case).  Afterwork SuperPat and SuperGirl headed off for some superhero training a.k.a the gym.  We will both be very sore tomorrow.

SuperGirl's workout -
a 30 minute walk with Bonnie at lunch.  Tomorrow, socks so that I can wear sneakers.  :)
a 10 minute cycling session
5 minutes on the elliptical - and that was only because SuperPat was threatening me if I got off. 
1 hour of swimming
various lifting and pulling SuperPat around on and off equipment and in the pool (for the record, we almost fell back in today because SuperPat misunderstood that he was supposed to keep a hand on the rail).
10 minutes in the hot tub

SuperPat's workout
10 minutes on the upperbody cardio machine - looks like bike pedals but you use your arms
5 minutes on a machine with lots of elastic bands to pull different ways with your arms.
about 30 minutes of walking in the pool, more on this below.
1 minute on the treadmill!!!

Yes, SuperPat got on the treadmill and managed to walk for a minute.  We had it on the lowest level, actual a half a level and we only had to stop it twice because it got away from him.  The hardest part was getting him back off again.  This is the first time that I am aware of that he has been on one since his accident.  If it isn't the first time, for sure it is the first time with only a spotter on the side.  He wanted to try the elliptical (and couldn't understand why I was laughing so hard about it) but I think we will need another person to help get him on for that one.  Once he finally is able to get on and tries to use it, he will know why I was laughing.  Much harder than it looks isn't it.  :)

So in the pool, Pat walked in a pretty straight line from the 3 foot line to the 4 foot line.  I am terrible at judging distances like that, but I think it was about 200 yards or so?  Then we practised floating more and also the grapevine back and forth.  I finally hit on the trick of having him put his feet on top of mine while I did it so that he could feel what it feels like and what muscles would need to be used.  Then I made him do it a few times with my feet on top of his so that I tell if he was doing it right.  Amazingly, he did really well with going left which has almost always been his problem and not as well with the right, but much, much better than he has ever done before.  All in all, it was a pretty amazing workout.  I think that the treadmill is going to really help him get an idea of what stride is like. 

So now, about the song.  My boss has been telling me about this really amazing song from a Christian group called Kutlass that have a song called "What Faith Can Do'.  She even lent me a copy of her CD with the song on it, but I kept forgetting to take it home and listen to it.  Once I did, I understood why she wanted Pat to listen to it so much.  Since Mom's computer can't do music very well, I will post the words here and let you look up the song yourself to hear what it sounds like.  I just think it epitomizes so well the struggles that SuperPat is going through. 

Everybody falls sometimes
Gotta find the strength to rise
From the ashes
And make a new beginning
Anyone can feel the ache
You think it's more than you can take
But you're stronger
Stronger than you know

Don't you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining

I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's what faith can do
It doesn't matter what you've heard
Impossible is not a word
It's just a reason
For someone not to try
Everybody's scared to death
When they decide to take that step
Out on the water
It'll be alright

Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing
I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's what faith can do

Overcome the odds
You don't have a chance
(That's what faith can do)
When the world says you can't
It'll tell you that you can

I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
And I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's what faith can do
That's what faith can do

Even if you fall sometimes

You will have the strength to rise

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Since our potential fire fiasco this morning, it turns out to be a good thing that Pat didn't walk into stake conference, but he did get his walking in on the way out.  We stopped for several breaks along the way and entered into a bargain at our last break.  Poor Pat didn't quite know what he was getting into because I had a revelation that the only way he is going to walk more is if walking becomes easier than being in the wheelchair since he always chooses what seems to be the easier way. 

So the bargain was that if I pulled the van up the remaining few feet to where he was waiting, he would get himself into the car.  The part that I didn't tell him was that he had to get himself and also his walker and wheelchair into the car.  Keep in mind that he had already been walking for about a half an hour if you include the break times, so he was probably pretty tired.  He got the everything in the car and didn't scuff the seat of his pants too much doing it.  He first placed the walker into the car.  Then got into the car but got back out into the sidewalk on his rear end.  Then he took the wheelchair apart piece by piece and tossed it into the car.  When that was done, he pulled himself back into the car.  Sounds pretty easy when you type it, but he forbade me from telling how long it took.  I will say that there were a few burns from the heat of the car door and he smashed his thumb between the chair and the cement.  I know from personal experience just how much that hurts. 

As we drove home I explained that we were going to have two choices about walking from then on.  He is welcome to make the decision to use the wheelchair while we are out and about, but every time that he does, he will be required to get his own wheelchair in and out of the car.  If he chooses to use the walker, he can walk into the store and use one of their chairs or I will follow behind him with his wheelchair so that he can have a few breaks along the way but no more easy road with the wheelchair.  Needless to say, when we got home, he opted to use the walker to get into the house instead of the chair. 

SuperPat's comments - "I am used to walking in the house every day.  I am not used to walking from the chapel to the van, putting my walker in the van, dissassembling the wheelchair piece by piece and putting myself into the van but it wasn't over then.  When I got home, my tennis ball from my outside walker rolled under the van so my wife went inside and got my other walker and brought it out to me.  And then I started walking.  I walked up the ramp into the house, walked past my therapy pole into the kitchen because I was so thirsty.  I noticed that I was tired so instead of getting a drink, I turned a few times around in the kitechen and then went back to the dining room and collapsed on my chair, utterly exhausted.  It was a lot of hard work and there is more to come.  I know that I can't get out of the choices that my wife has offered me but I have to do it, and do it good.  The choice of putting the wheelchair will take so much energy that it will be so much easier to use Plan B which is to just grab the walker and do it.  To quote LL Cool Jay, Doin' it, Doin' it, Doin' it right."

SuperGirl's comments - Pat thought that I started the new choices because I was angry at him.  I was able to explain that I am not angry, but just trying to help him progress.  We have been talking a lot about choice and accountability and how what seems like is the easiest choice at first is not always the easiest as you go along so it is better to make a the right choice instead of the easy choice.  That way when it gets tough, you don't want to give up just because it is hard because you know that you have right behind you. 

Another goal that I have for Pat is that he start to tell people of his sucesses and failures instead of relying on me to always be his messenger.  Deep down he feels like he is and should be punished for his past sins and the sins of his father and he sees the wheelchair as his atonement for those sins.  So to admit that he is ready to lay all of it aside and move forward is a really big step.  So far he has managed to avoid the consenquences of moving forward by not setting goals for himself.  I think that mentally he figures that letting others set goals for him and acknowledge his accomplishments it is a way to cheat the system and to not have to feel guilty when he is trying to get out of the chair.  That way he can always say that he wasn't trying to get out, everyone else just made him do it. 

I am hoping that he is starting to realize with the help of his therapist that this is not punishment and that being baptized and doing the temple work for himself and his family has allowed the past to be changed.  I know that he knows that all of his sins were forgiven but I am not sure he is ready to let some of these go, specifically the guilt and pain he feels for not being able to save his family when feels that he should have.  How wonderful it is to know that what a great gift of forgivness he has also opened up for his father, if his father chooses to accept it and repent like Pat has.  The only way that we can change is through Christ and also the only way that we can truly be healed.  I am so grateful that his life was spared to bring that forgiveness not only to himself but to his family as well.  Pat we all support you and love you, please don't give up.

SuperPat again - I would like to make a call to Darth Tator and The Spudmeister (sorry Spudmeister, SuperGirl was having a really hard time remembering your name, all she could think was Spudilicious, but we knew that wasn't it).  Darth, TSM, and MamaSpud - I'M BRINGING IT so watch out because SuperPat is on the prowl.  He is kicking tatoes and take names so unless you want to be deep fried and smothered with cheese, get off that couch. 

Fire anyone?

Well, SuperGirl is ashamed to admit that she had a very close call this morning.  I had started a pot of water boiling so that I could get my heating pad ready to use later and then gotten into the shower.  The next time I remembered the water and heating pad was a few moments before Stake Conference started.  After quickly whispering to Pat to ask him if he had remembered and turned the stove off, I had to race home to rescue my kitchen.  I know it was the spirit prompting me to remember because it was a very urgent and random thought.  All the way home I was trying to sniff the air to see if I could smell smoke, scanning the sky for flames, and praying that our house would not burn down.  All I could think about was how we had left the dogs in our bedroom and they wouldn't be able to get out.  As I opened the front door, I heard a loud popping and saw some plasticky smelling smoke.  When I went into the kitched, I saw that my heating pad had exploded and was burned to the bottom of the pan, but no actual flames yet.  I think we were seconds away from that though.  Thank heavens we had left most of the house windows open so that a lot of the toxic plastic melting smoke had drifted outside.  I spent a few minutes fanning the door to clean the rest out and then went back to church.  I missed the first 30 minutes of stake conference, but our house was safe!

Now for the second kitchen related fun of the day.  For lunch, I made chicken enchilladas with fresh corn salsa, asparagus spears and banana bread.  I had the enchilladas almost assembled and was pre-heating the oven.  I started to smell an unusual smell and kept thinking that I had smelled it before but couldn't for the life of me remember where.  The warmer the kitchen got, the stronger the smell.  For a moment I thought that it was my escapade from the morning that was causing the smell, but it seemed different than the smell that I had smelled earlier.  Then all of the sudden, I realized what it was.  I remembered two distinct moments in my life.  The first was an eventful Thanksgiving at a cousin's house when they decided to clean their oven prior to cooking the turkey and the smell forced us to evacuate the house for much longer than normally necessary.  The second memory was a time I was trying to make bread early in our marriage and reached for the cooking spray to oil my pan.  Unsuspectingly, I had reached for the oven cleaner instead of the cooking spray and was just about to drop the first spoonful into the pan when I realized the switch that Pat had made on me.  For those of you who are rolling on the floor laughing at the mental image this picture makes, oven cleaner does not come out of pans easily, it is similar to spraying it with WD40.

Yup, you guessed it.  As part of the weekly cleaning, Pat and his auntie had sprayed the oven with cooking spray and then Pat had "forgotten" to go back and wipe it out.  So before I could cook anything, I had to wait for the oven to cool off again, and then Pat had to wipe out the cleaning solution.  The second time I preheated the oven, it smelled much better.  Our enchillada lunch turned into an enchillada supper by the time we were done.  But very delicious, especially the salsa and the asparagus that I grilled on the side.  Pat was enjoying his first helping so much that he forgot to hold onto his plate and the dogs got to have a nice taste as well.  And he wonders why they always sit at his feet while he is eating instead of mine.  :)

Saturday swimming

We finally made it to the pool and it felt SOOOO good.  We were both so relaxed and happy when we got out.  The downside, we weren't aware that the pool closes at 6 on Saturdays so when we got there at 5:30, we didn't get much water time. 

So how did our handsome hero do?  Awesome!!!  When we got into the water, we really concentrated on having Pat try not to panic and learn to do the back float so that if he starts to go under, he knows how to save himself and can feel a lot more control about the situation.  He did swallow a lot of water, but he did so great.  He still gets a little panicked, but nothing like he did before and when he does get scared, he just takes a deep breath and starts to float.  Btw, I think he is learning to love floating, I may have a hard time getting to do much else.  Good thing the pool is open until 11 the other nights.  :)  I think he just feels so empowered and so much more confident now. 

Also, we purchased some necessities, like some great workout wear, a gym bag, and water bottle.  I am hoping that it will do the same thing that my purple lunch bag does for me.  Since I got the lunch bag, I haven't skipped lunch once.  Yeah for me!

I think that I also figured out why he likes swimming so much now that he is less scared about it.  It is the one sport that he has tried that doesn't have any unpleasant memories of his father trying to push him so hard.  There is no fear of verbal and emotional abuse if he doesn't do as well as he should, and since there is no winning or losing; he doesn't have to think about how he used to get beaten when he lost.  I feel so much sorrow at the loss of innocence he suffered but so grateful that he has a chance to change his family's history going forward.  I am so proud of Pat and all that he has been able to accomplish and all that he will accomplish going forward. 

Pat's comment on the swimming "I enjoyed it.  It was a new start, a fresh start, and the beginning of a new dawn.  I tackled it and I did well.  So onward and upward!

(SuperGirl is very proud of Pat for admitting he did well, also a very large step forward.  He doesn't like to admit or acknowledge his progress, he prefers that I report it).

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A grand gesture

SuperPat wants to report that he did his situps and push ups and about half of the walks today, although he did not try to walk with water.  He had to go to the Social Security office and order a duplicate card as his has gone missing somehow...  Anyone who has ever had to go to the SSA office knows that it is usually a patience testing, full day ordeal.  But he survived.

SuperPat and SuperGirl have had a very busy evening.  After SuperGirl got into a heated debate over the benefits of eating organic and chemical free (yes SuperGirl has come over to the granola side, must be all the time spent in Boulder as a missionary), it was time to hit Sprouts for some delicious deals.  Can't wait for chicken enchilladas & rock asparagus tomorrow night.  SuperPat was won over by some chocolate covered cinnamon bears. 

Then it was time for the grand gesture.  SuperGirl has been pushing SuperPat to commit to swimming several times a week in the evening but this is rather difficult as the FunPlex pool is only open from 7:45 - 8:45 in the evening.  We considered outdoor pools, but it is getting rather chilly.  SuperGirl had visited all of the indoor pools in town (or so she thought) and discovered that they were either not open in the evening, substandard in their cleaning and features, or both.  It has been very disappointing to say the least.  But thanks to a very hot tip from Pat's therapist, we decided to take a tour at the conditioning spa.  This is where Pat used to take Tae Kwon Do as a child so he knew about it but he was keeping mum on the subject.  20 minutes later, we had signed up for our first ever couples gym membership.  The minimum committment is 1 year at  $65 a month, but after viewing everything including the pool, saunas, hot tubs, etc. we felt like it was a good way to show our commitment to better health.  SuperGirl really loves that SuperPat will be able to go whenever he chooses and the on staff trainers will help him on and off of the equipment so if he chooses, he could go during the day also.  Plus it opens at 5 am so SuperGirl may take an early morning yoga or spinning class, we will see.  And it if is too much to get up early, it is open until 11 pm most evenings.  I wanted Pat to see how important this is to us and to see the committment we were making, so I paid for a year in advance, plus they threw in an extra month for free, so that was nice.

So the commitment is...
- a 30 minute family walk every evening, dogs included. 
- a trip to the gym at least 3 times a week
- two of those times must include some swimming

I think we can make 100%, but even if we don't we are not giving up.  Each day is a new chance for 100%. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hump Day

Well, we have been doing pretty good on our goals.  Hershey and SuperGirl took a nice long walk today, Hershey only tried to run off with one jogger.  The jogger didn't look like he would enjoy the experience so I quickly reined Hershey in.  SuperPat and Buster were supposed to be joining us on the walk, but they did not.  We walked about 2 miles, SuperPat and Buster walked a different direction, so I am not sure how far they went. 

I do have to report that SuperPat made it three fourths of the way to the pole with the water!!! yeah, that is a big improvement. 

We also had some really great breakthroughs in therapy tonight.  Pat was talking about his fear of water/drowning and his therapist explained that it is probably a panic attack brought on by the thought/fear of suffocation and most likely is related to the feeling of not being able to breath with the carbon monoxide poisioning.  Pat also admitted that he has been viewing his walking and exercising with the all or nothing approach.  That is, if you mess up once, or miss a day, you might as well throw the whole program out the window because you have failed.  Sounds like a pretty common approach to dieting... 

Anyway, SuperGirl's main goal for this week is to show her love for SuperPat by emulating Ray Charles's mother.  SuperPat is very against this approach.  The best way to describe it is to say that she taught him how to fish instead of catching fish for him.  Sadly, SuperGirl often gets roped into Pat's get help quick (very similar to get rich quick but with better rewards) schemes and finds herself doing a lot of things that SuperPat could/should be doing for himself.   Hmm, I bet I could work this into one of the YW value projects, guess I  better do some research. 

SuperPat says "To all my peeps, this is only the beginning, I still have a long way to go to even come close to vanquishing the krytonite forever.  I am here waiting for my daily contact.  I like phone calls, drive bys, or e-mails.  I love all of you guys with all my heart, I will not let you down."

SuperGirl's final word: When SuperPat is able to carry the cup of water to the pole and demonstrate in front of an audience, homemade rootbeer floats at our house for anyone who wants to celebrate. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How did we do?

Well, for Monday SuperPat is the winner!

Here's a quick recap Superman stretches 6 1/2 times Well SuperPat couldn't figure out how to do a half a stretch so he did 7.  Carry a half cup of water from the kitchen to the pole in the dining room - he got the cup halfway and then he dropped it.  For those that are wondering, yes, he left the cup laying on the floor for the cleanup ghost to pick up. 30 push ups - SuperPat says he did 35.  I did not ask about his form, 30 sit ups - just 30, he did the situps first so he couldn't do any extra.  He says that he was too sore to get out of bed on Tuesday...  15 walks - he says he did them all in an hour and a half.  He says that his stamina needs some work.  DarthTator, care to comment on the fact that he claims to have done 15 walks in the short time he did? 

SuperPat is the victor but he claims to have been in too much pain to do anything today.  He says that his abs felt like Darth Tator is playing tug of war with Captain Chaos.  (Joel - you are Captain Chaos).  Daniel - Pat wants to call you Dirty Dan, so I suggest you pick a better name quick!

Now for SuperGirl's progress.  No walk on Monday evening, but I got a great run in the morning when I had to chase the dogs back into the fenced area.  Thank heaven for neighbors who are understanding and help me run them down.  Since they have learned to work as a team when hooked up with the double leash, it is only forward and faster.  They seem to think it is a race and don't realize that there will never be a winner when they are hooked together.  I packed lunch both days - apparently a lunch bag was exactly what I needed.  Who knew.  Maybe SuperPat needs a spiffy backpack...  Hmm will have to think about that one.  I was in bed and the lights were off by 11, but SuperPat did not have the T.V. off.  Earplugs only do so much for that.  Melatonin anyone?  I did not work out with WiiFit on Monday night, but Tuesday is not over yet and I will, after Young Women's. 

Goals for tomorrow:
Samething as Monday just a little bit faster and a little bit better. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A new beginning

Well in honor of the new start, we have gone with a new design.  Hope you like it.  SuperGirl and SuperPat were so touched at all the love and concern that everyone shows.  You guys are just the greatest.  I just want to go on the record saying that the last three nights have been Pat's turn to chase Buster.  I have gone to bed with him shouting "Buster come home buddy" every night.  While it is nice that I am not the chaser, it is time for a change. 

So SuperGirl has challenged SuperPat to take her on a daily 30 minute walk and she is going with or without him.  SuperPat thinks it is hillarious that I keep a pair of running shoes in the car, but you never know when the mood is going to strike you.  And mom, for the record, running/walking is a great stress reliever when you are angry about something.  I'm just saying...  wait I don't think you ever get angry about anything, so I guess it is left for us hot-headed types. 

SuperPat's goals for tomorrow:
Superman stretches 6 1/2 times (SuperGirl wants to know how you do half of a stretch)
Carry a half cup of water from the kitchen to the pole in the dining room
30 push ups
30 sit ups
15 walks
My he is ambitious!!!

SuperGirl's goals:
Run at least 10 minutes during the 30 minute walk
Eat lunch, spiffy new purple lunch bag should help that
Get to bed with the lights out and tv off by 11
Work out on with Wii Fit - SuperPat is not allowed to laugh when Wii Fit chews me out for missing a few days.  Or when it makes that funny sighing noise when I hop on like it is disappointed in me for not being in better shape.

Lofty goals for both of us,  Let the best man (or woman) win.

Digging myself out

I've been in quite a funk lately. life has been throwing me some kryptonite in a odd form. My kryptonite is being stuck in the past. As a superhero it's the hardest thing to let go of. The things of my past that is. There are several good things that I have lived through. Everyone knows where there is good, the bad can still creep up on you. Even us superheros are not perfect. We need help too!
So what you can do to help me is Think of me and then go out and something for some one thgat needs help in one way or another. But to help me just call me let me know you are there, then come and see me. I would love to take a walk with you but you might have to be the one to ask me.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The "Pat" Signal

Some of you may be wondering why SuperPat has been so quiet in the last few days.  When it has been pretty dark and dismal in our superhero's world.  I am very sad to report that our hero has been sucumbing to his own personal kryptonite of inactivity and self doubt.  You see, SuperPat's sidekick SuperGirl has issued an ultimatum to SuperPat.  She told him that she was tired of always being the one to spur SuperPat to action and felt like she couldn't carry on any further without at least a small sign that SuperPat wanted to leave his wheelchair prison behind.  It seems that SuperPat's true desires have been exposed as in the last two weeks, there has not been even a small spark to indicate that SuperPat is ready to act on the world instead of being acted upon.  And in fact, when SuperGirl looks back, she is unable to find a single sign ever that SuperPat wants to walk more than she wants him to.

As the world looks on in sadness and dispair, it seems that all hope may be lost for our handsome hero.  Without any desire of his own to spur him on, it seems pointless for SuperGirl to continue her lonely crusade to show SuperPat a better life. So SuperGirl has decided to throw out one last signal into the night, and no, it is not in the shape of a bat.  :)  If anyone, anywhere is interested in seeing Pat walk; please let him know it.  He needs people to help him by checking in with him every day, people who are willing to come and take him for walks, and words of encouragement and support from everyone who loves him. 

Let's help SuperPat see that there is a more excellent way to live...