Sunday, September 18, 2011

I just want Pat to know how proud I am of him.  What I told the judge is absolutely correct.  He has grown in leaps and bounds in the last few years.  When I first met him, I saw a glimmer of the man he could and would become and it is so wonderful to see that man all of the time now.  I can't wait to see how he surpasses both his and my expectations.  Soon the world will see what I have known all along, that he is the leader and I just have to scramble to keep up.

I also want our friends and family to know how much I love them all.  While Friday was terrifying and nerve wracking, all we had to do was to think of all of the friendly faces behind us to realize that those that are with those greatly outnumbered those who were with them.  I only wish that Pat's family would have been willing to be on our side instead of against us.  I hope that in time, there won't be any sides anymore. 

We truly felt the presence of angels, those seen and unseen on Friday and throughout this whole process.  We never could have accomplished it on our own.  To Emily, Devin, Alanna, Bonnie, Brian, and Melissa's family, we can never tell you how grateful we are and how much we love you.  We must have been awfully good in the premortal existance to earn family like you. 

Order for Termination of Guardianship Adult

We thought you might want to share in our good news.  I will try to get Pat to blog about it also.  Right now he is just too happy to concentrate on anything for long.  Sorry to those of you who didn't know we were finally doing this, but we wanted to keep it as quiet as we could to minimize the negative reaction from Pat's family.  We hope that eventually they will come to understand why he had to do this.

Upon consideration of the petition for termination of guardianship, the Court finds and orders that this guardianship is terminated because: The ward no longer meets the standard for continuing the guardianship.  The court has considered the information provided at the hearing held on September 16, 2011 and concludes that Mr. Ferguson no longer requires a guardian's assistance.  Ms. M, Mr. Ferguson's conselor, wrote a letter to the court opining that Mr. Ferguson is able to make any and all decisions in his life.  Additionally, Mr. Ferguson has been married for almost four years and during that period of time the guardians have not been making decisions for Mr. Ferguson.  His wife, Melissa, informed the court that she has observed a tremendous amount of personal growth by her husband over the past few years and that he is able to make decisions on his own behalf.  The court was also informed that Mr. Ferguson served on a district court felony criminal trial as a juror in 2010.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A fresh start?

Well it is day two of the double or nothing challenge and the Ferguson family is needing a little motivation.  Hence the updated blog background.  In case you can't tell, it is a big fat juicy hamburger. 

So what are our goals?

  • Read 20 minutes a day
  • Wake up by 7 on weekdays, 8 on weekends
  • Brush teeth 2x for at least 2 minutes a day
  • Meaningful daily scripture study
In case anyone wants to know, none of the goals got met yesterday but today Mel is 2 for 2 and Pat is 1 or 2.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Blood, sweat, tears, and prayers

My wife has a great idea for the next step in my journey to walk.  She says that if I am able to succeed with the walker independantly, then we will schedule a meeting with my conservator to discuss preparing to move to Idaho.  To be independant with the walker means that I will be able to get up in the morning and just use the walker to get ready for the day and in everything I do during the day.  The only thing that I will not use the walker for is to walk the dogs.  Once we put my wheelchairs in the garage for a full week, I will have met the goal for this step. 

To accomplish this goal will take a lot of prayer, asking the Lord to be my backbone.  I will also need support from all those that love me and want the best for me.  I believe that it will take me two months to reach this goal.  This will take me being the man Heavenly Father wants me to be, the husband my wife needs me to be, the pet owner that my dogs need, and the future Daddy that my children deserve. 

A while back Elder McCannon gave me a priesthood blessing and in the blessing he told me that I will walk again without the walker, that I will not need any assistance if I give it my full effort of body and soul that the Lord will hep me to do this.  A long time ago Sister Mullins promised me that if I kept the Word of Wisdom that I would walk again.  At the time, I had not been walking at all.  I am ready to cash in on these promises, but I need your help to not get discouraged.  I AM GOING TO DO THIS BECAUSE IT IS TIME THAT I STEP UP AND NOT FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF ANYMORE.  With the Lord's help I will accomplish this goal that I have had for the longest time. 

Pat and Melissa's goals for the Big Jud Double or Nothing

  • Get up in time to have family scripture study each day (6:30 weekdays and 8 on weekends and holidays)
  • Read 20 minutes every day
  • Effective scripture study every day
  • 15 minutes of exercise every day. 

Double or Nothing

It's a Big Jud's Double or Nothing Challenge.  Here are the rules:

*Each participant must choose two items to work on daily. 
*Each participant should choose one item that requires a duration of time (i.e. 20 minutes, 15 minutes of something.) and one task that does not (i.e. getting up at a certain time).  This will allow for make up days.
*Each participant must let me know that they want to do the challenge by August 20th.  I will provide a list of participants on the blog. 
*Each participant must let me know which two items they are working on by August 20th so that I may also list this on the blog.
*Each participant must choose some method of tracking and reporting progress to the rest of the group.  I think that charts are a great tracking mechanism, Pat and I will probably do a chart with routine blog updates. (I would also suggest having a buddy to provide encouragement.)
*Once the challenge is underway, no modifications can be made to an individual's goal without express consent of the group.
*Each participant agrees to work together to constructively help each other meet goals.  I.e. no putdowns
*No dropping out if you start to hit a slump.  Instead, let us know so that we can help you.
*Contest length will be one year.  For the Atwood family, this will allow us to have our celebration when the family is visiting for Loren's homecoming.
*You don't have to be a family member or live in the Emmett area, if you want to participate, let me know and we can work something out.
*Periodic extra credit challenges may crop up to help even the playing field.  :)

The payoff:
*For those who will be in the Emmett area, dinner at Big Jud's.  If Pat and/or Melissa have the most days, the other participants can buy our lunch/dinner.  If anyone beats us, we will pay for their dinner (including the Big Jud's challenge if you wish to do so). 
              ***Pat and Melissa are having an internal buddy challenge, whoever looses has to do the dishes the whole next month. 

How the winner(s) is determined:
*Since we will be doing two tasks for 365 days, the winner will be the person who has the highest number of days out of the possible 730.
*To prevent discouragement and to allow flexibility for tight schedules, for the time specific tasks, make up days are allowed by doubleing up the time on the next day.  (i.e. instead of reading 20 minutes each day, Pat may choose to read 40 minutes every other day).
*To prevent procrastination, make up days are only allowed within the same calendar week that the item was missed.  So you can never do more than 7 days catch up.

We hope you all want to participate, let us know by August 20th if you do.

Big Juds

Pat tried the one pound burger challenge but was only able to eat about 2/3 of the burger, 1/3 of the fries, and 2/3 of the soda.  Yeah for him, it was a very heroic effort. 

For those who don't know, the challenge is to eat a 1 pound burger with all the fixings, 1 lb of home cut fries, and 32 ounces of soda.  You only have 30 minutes and if you can do it, you can by a Big Jud's Tshirt for a discounted price.  There is a double challenge which involves twice as much food but you get a free meal and Tshirt.  Very few have succeeded.

As a consulation prize we got Pat a tshirt that says "People say I'm amazing" because that's how we all feel about him. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Good old Idaho

Well we have been greatly enjoying our vacation, although it was very sad to bid Angie and her children farewell (and Lynn we really missed you).  The time is just flying and soon we will be headed back.  The next thing on the list?  The winner of the Big Judd's bedtime challenge (Pat) will get a burger of his choice, probably the 2lb monster while the loser (Daniel) watches in shame.  Pat only one by a narrow margin, one day I believe though.  We are having a great time with our family, but we miss our family and our friends who are like family in Greeley.  We will see you all soon!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Aargh! Anyone want a loaner husband?  How about a dog for hire?  Did I mention that said dog has diarrhea because of something said husband fed the dog?  What do you think about the fact that when I went to get our Wet Jet mop to clean up the *ahem* mess I found that somebody, no names please to protect the not so innocent, had managed to break it.  Since I had never used it yet and said husband had solemnly promised never to use it, the only logical explanation must be that we have a ghost... 

I managed to gerryrig a temporary solution which involved a lot of extra work and unhappiness, which led me to my next discovery.  Someone had managed to melt the kitchen linoleum in a few places.  After ruling out our ghost or lack of air-conditioning (although it has felt hot enough) I think I have pieced together what happened.  Apparently someone had decided not to bother with a pot holder and just placed the pots directly on the floor.  Double sigh!

I won't go into any of my other sad woes but it has already been a very long and hard week and it probably isn't going to get much better.  Pat is at day 29 and so this is the week we talk to the guardians.  Wish me luck, I'm goin' to bed before I find any more "surprises"...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kids for Kyla

I just want to take a minute to tell you about this non-profit that my boss and her friends are starting to help families with the costs of adoption and/or infertility treatments.  Please take a moment to visit to read their touching story and why they are doing this. 

Currently they are attempting to get things started by raising funds.  Today Cafe Mexicali has agreed to donate 20% of their profits to Kids for Kyla from anyone with a fundraiser coupon.  Please let me know if you would like a coupon to eat some yummy food and support an excellent cause!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

and the winner is...

Mel's mom.

Heh, Pat. That is amazing!!!!!! We are SO proud of you. I bet your Mom and Dad and bros are too. What a way to go! I'm so impressed, esp that you got on it by YOURSELF.


Mama Spud

Mom, we will be sending your prize through Reed.  It is a Wilton 20 piece cake decorating tip set.

Thanks and love to all who participated, stay tuned for more contests!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Treadmill Time

Just a quick update on Pat's walking.  Monday evening he walked 8 minutes on the treadmill, which may not sound like much but he kept an incredibly even gate the entire time he walked, even though he did take a few breaks for 10 or 20 seconds.  We figured out that at the rate he is going, he is currently walking a two hour mile.  Unless he wants to get run over by the Forth Of July Parade, he's going to have to step it up.  He walked about 0.07 miles.  Not bad after a few weeks (months) hiatus.  He also let me convince him to get into the pool afterward and do a little walking, not much, but enough to help his muscles loosen up a bit.

Now the part I am really proud of.  He got on the treadmill all by himself!  I was on an elliptical a few machines back and I was so impressed at the initiative he showed.  He didn't tell me he was going to do it, I just looked over and saw him halfway on.  It took a lot of self control not to run over to be his spotter and I had to close my eyes a few times when it got dicey but he managed to do it all himself.  In fact I had to yell over to him and ask him to wait to start walking until I got done with the elliptical.  It just goes to show how much progress he is making because usually it takes both of us to get him on, and usually there is at least one point where we both almost fall over.  Good thing our gym has nice wide aisles, right?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's Blog Candy Time

I really want to boost Pat up and try to get him training now for our annual 4th of July Walk. We say annual because we are hoping to make it an annual event for our family.  The course is about a mile (give or take a little) and in 2009 he was able to walk the entire course with no breaks. Our great friends the Moses family met us at the end for a mini celebration at McDonalds.  The whole experience was a great ego booster for Pat and he was very excited to try again.

Fast forward to 2010 and the story is a little different.  Pat decided to not start prepping for the walk until two weeks before the 4th and it was pretty quickly evident that he would not be able to complete the course without serious injury.

So for this year, we want to make it the best ever for him.  I think he needs a confidence boost (and to start training for it now) and we want everyone to get this on their radar so that anyone who wants to can come walk with us or meet us at the finish line.

Our blog candy contest will run from now until Easter and we are going to give you several ways to enter.
1.  Send us an inspirational story about overcoming difficulties  We will post these on the blog for everyone to see.
2. Mention us and this contest on your blog and send us a coy or a link so we can check it out.
3.  Make a comment on this post to tell us what you like best about Pat.
4.  Make a comment on any post between now and Easter Sunday that we post about walking.
5.  More ideas to be announced later.

We will put your name in a hat each time for one of the ways you enter above, the more things you do, and the more times you do it, the better your chances.  We may also give away extra surprises for any thing that we really like.  So help us out, show Pat your love!

*** Sorry about the multipe versions of this post, I kept accidentally hitting the submt button because I am working from an awkward position on an unfamilar computer.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Speaking of procrastinating, I have been considering a blog candy giveaway for quite some time but can't decide what I want to do.  I am looking for help motivating Pat with his walking and we want to celebrate the newly announced temples in Fort Collins, CO and Meridian, ID.  (Someone knew that both Mom and I must have needed a new temple at the same time. lol).  So send me your suggestions and I will see what I can do.  I have a fabulous prize already picked out, but I don't want to drop any hints yet.

Procrastinators Anonymous

Well, I am glad to say that I can finally get rid of my Procrastinators Anonymous membership and that I can now take the fast route to drive home.  Every year I start to feel the dread and pressure about filing our taxes.  It gets so bad that once the Statue of Liberty starts smiling and waving out in front of the local tax preparer, I find myself thinking of creative excuses to take the long way home so I don't have to see him/her.  I guess I am just afraid that we will owe the IRS lots and lots of money that we have no way to pay.  Why I think that I don't know, because if it were true, we would have had to make lots and lots of money.  :)

Anyway, the taxes are finally filed and I can sleep easy tonight. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Anniversary – Pat’s Story

I got up in the morning ready to attack the day, full of energy.  I felt good that I am alive, but I also felt really upset that it was the anniversary.  I couldn't see myself dragging, so I didn't.  Picking up Grandma made me happy because it gave me a chance to talk to her but not about the sad things.  I asked her about the good memories and usually she would start talking about me.  About what happened to me and picking at me but she didn't this time.  She answered my questions about my mom and Grandma Ferguson and I could feel her love for them, even though they are gone.

It is hard to talk about and think about the accident, but I won't let myself get upset.  To make myself feel better we did some good deeds for other people.  I gave a flower to one woman who thanked me and then later as she was driving away, she stopped me and thanked me again.  She told me that it really made her day and she smiled at me.   

At one car, I felt embarrassed when I saw a man getting into the car but then he handed the flower to his wife and that made my day.  It was neat to see people's reaction to this random act of kindness.  I felt so good that I had made several people smile and so thankful that I could bless people's lives like that.  Next year I want to do the same type of thing. I am so grateful that my wife helped me do something great like that.

The rest of the day I felt pumped up from the flowers, but it was hard not to think about my family.  I carry my family in my heart and I know that they are always with me.  I am deeply grateful that I got to know them for a brief moment in my life.  I am saddened that I can't hold them and kiss them.  I would love to hold them and tell them one last time how grateful that I am to have them as my family and how much I love them.

Words can't express how much I love them and how much I miss them.  And I know that they will always watch over me.  If I could say one thing to them, I would say look what I have done.  Look at my life.  I have the gospel, I choose the right.  I choose to follow God and the scriptures.  Hopefully I will live my life in a way that I will someday stand in the presence of God and tell Him how great life has been.  I just wish my family could have gotten to read the Book of Mormon like I have and could have gotten close to the Lord like I have.  I am deeply saddened sometimes that my family could not or would not be baptized in life and had to wait until now.  But I have baptized them now and I know that they have a chance to accept the gospel and now it is all up to them. 

It hurts to think about them but I remember them and honor them every day of my life.  I get up in the morning and I live every day like it will be my last.  If I had words of advice to give to anyone, it would be to Live every day like your last, and eat every meal as if there is no tomorrow.

The Anniversary

March 10th marked the the 18 year anniversary of the death of Pat's family.  On this day, Pat lost his father, mother, great grandmother, older brother, and younger brother to carbon monoxide poisoning.  Pat himself was physically marked by the carbon monoxide and the coma that followed and his life was forever changed.  Pat asked me to post a description of what we did to commemorate the day and then he will do a post to talk about his thoughts of the day.

We started the day with a pleasant surprise for Pat, I decided to take the day off from work to be with him. Pat and I woke up early and picked up his Grandma C (His mom's mom) at 7am for breakfast at the Egg and I.  Pat had a steak and egg omelet, Grandma had chicken fried steak, and I had a spinach and mushroom omelet.  Pat ate all of his breakfast and about half of mine, in fact he tried to coerce me into trading with him but I was only willing to share, not switch.  While we ate, we quizzed Grandma about some family memories and she told us some really nice things about his family.  The best thing was when she told us why she named Pat's mom Maria Erlinda.  Apparently there was a woman in the hospital at the same time as Grandma C whose little girl was stillborn.  Since Grandma hadn't named Linda yet, she agreed to name her baby Maria Erlinda after the other woman's little girl so that she would be able to find some comfort that there was a little girl out there with her daughter's name.  I thought that was such a sweet thing to do.  Grandma C said that Linda was the only child she named, Grandpa C named all of the rest of the children when they were born.

Then we picked up Reed and went to Walmart to do a little shopping.  We spent quite some time picking out new shoes for Pat. Hard to believe, but he has worn through his second pair of shoes.  I didn't realize how bad they really were until we saw the new and the old side by side.  We also picked up a bunch of pink carnations and some peach carnations.

Once we had put our groceries in the car, Pat and I took the carnations and slipped one into the handle of the doors of as many cars as we could in the parking lot.  It took us about an hour and I think we covered about 75 cars.  We were able to hand deliver a few, and after people got over the shock of a complete stranger giving them flowers, we could tell they were touched by our attempts to brighten their day.

We also got to see Pat's Aunt Lily in the parking lot.  We spent some time catching up with her and Pat gave her several flowers.  She surprised Pat by giving him a hug and a kiss at the end of the conversation, I don't think she has ever done that before.

Then we headed back to our house and loaded Buster and Hershey into the car.  We took them to the dog park in Evans and let them run around to their heart's delight for a few hours.  It was a beautiful sunny day with just a light breeze to keep things cool.  Hershey and Buster had a great time and it was really funny to see Reed trying to play fetch with Hershey (who is great and fetching and retrieving indoors but outside just catches it and drops it where it is).

After that we decided to head to Golden Corral after dropping the dogs off at home again.  The food was delicious and we all ate until we were sick.  It was really funny to realize that Reed and I both had the three same favorite foods.  Guess it does run in families after all.  We had Pat remember some of his favorite and saddest memories of each family member he lost.  It was so great to have him realize that he had given each member of his family and hug and told them he loved them at some point during their last day together.

After we waddled back to the car moaning and groaning about how full we were, we were able to sit in the car and rest for a bit.  In fact, Pat and I both took a nap.  We really needed it after getting up so early and staying up so late the night before. 

Then we went into the house to try some scrapbooking.  I could tell that Pat just wasn't in the mood for it because he kept finding excuses to wander away from it and then come back to it again.  We talked to my mom for a while and then went to bed.  Pat loves my mom almost like she was his own, just thinking of her makes him feel better, so I was glad that he got the chance to talk to her.

The only regret that I have for the day is that I let the day get so full.  I had really wanted Pat to have some quiet time to sit and think but it was clear that he wanted exactly the opposite so I didn't force it.  I think the highlight of the day was hearing Pat talk about how much he enjoyed the flowers during the last few weeks.   I am so glad that we had the opportunity to bless someone else's life instead of dwelling on his losses.

Letter from Mom to Pat

With permission from MamaSpud, I want to include a post from her blog and make a few comments on it. 

March 4th . . .
This morning I cried quite a few tears.

It took awhile for them to stop . . . but somehow I feel that God heard me. He knows and felt my anguish.
It all started at 5:00 this morning. I couldn't sleep. I got up to start my To Do list early! Yesterday I decided in honor of March 4th (and since David had to work making it easier to accomplish) I was going to tackle some of the major To Do items I had been postponing. One was to email all the Laurels and Mia Maids I could to ask for pictures for the CD I want to make of the last 2 years for all the girls. I wasn't prepared for all the memories to come flooding back. Oh, Bonna. I do miss her. I went to her Facebook page. Then I cried and cried. It wasn't just for her. It was for Joan Grover and Ruth Winward and Connie Keller and Marlyn Whiteley and so many others. It was for my Letha girls . . . that I really have no contact with other than a Hi in the halls.
And then my heart turned to my sweet son, Pat . . . the person I cry for the very most. I ache for him. He has carried so much for so long . . . There is no way to explain the depth of what he has had to carry. How has his heart handled it all? The things he's been through would make anyone weep and yet, he is not bitter. When I discovered that he was taught that he shouldn't cry - it just makes the tears flow even harder. I guess I am crying the tears he can't. I hope he knows that he is not alone anymore. He has us, his family to lean on - that it's okay to cry and feel the pain and the loss and the hurt and all that comes with it. He is so strong - the tears do not take away from that strength. He is like Captain Moroni or Teancum - He has an unconquerable spirit! He has offered his family the greatest gifts possible. I know they are aware of him and want him to find happiness. They are cheering him on. This is the war that he stayed to fight - that Satan couldn't have his family anymore. Because of him, they will have peace and the gospel in their lives. Because of him, they will have the opportunity to find forgiveness and to feel of the Savior's atonement, even his father. I know this with all my heart. My tears are gone now and I feel such a joy fill my heart.

My tears are not in vain. God saw them. He felt them. He is honoring my desire to go forth this day with strength and love so I can lift those hearts that need it the most.

I have made time for the important things. I've read my scriptures, I've prayed, I've exercised, I've spent time sharing my heart. Now it's time to call Pat - to spend some time with him. It is something his Mother wants . . . She doesn't want him to miss her too much. She wants him to live life to the fullest, knowing that she loves him and that she is near. This next week is the anniversary of his family's deaths!!!! The Savior made it possible that he will be with them all someday!

My heart is full!
Melissa again:  I too find it truly amazing that Pat has been able to turn into the man that he has considering all of the difficulties in his life.  It speaks to his incredible strength of character that he is motivated by love in all that he does instead of hate or cruelty when you consider the abuse he has endured.  What incredible will power to keep all of the things inside that he has for so many years and not allow them to corrupt him or turn him ugly.
And even more so, what quiet strength he shows now as he tries to unlock those secrets and let all of the hard feelings from the past out so that he can move on.  I truly married someone who will help me lift myself to a higher level and I know he is the better half of this pair, even though he tries to hide that from the world. 
I truly beleve that he was spared  because he was the only one who could break the chain of abuse.  A lesser man would have repeated the things he was taught by hs father.  A lesser man would have been too proud to allow the miracle of the Saviour's Atonement to work in his life because of pride.  Because of Christ's sacrifice, I know that not just our sins can be forgiven but we can be succored in our pain, grief, and loneliness.  The atonement makes it possible for us to heal the chains and cycles of abuse for ourseves and our ancestors.  The gospel truly is the good news,

Therapy Anyone

I am so grateful for divine coincidences that are not really coincidences at all.  There are so many things that happened to brought Pat to therapy with Emily.  When I look back, I am so amazed at all the things that could have changed just a little and I never would have gotten him into therapy.

I know it has been extremely difficult and heart wrenching for him and at times he really wants to quit going.  But the progress he has made emotionally and physically has been inspiring.  He has been maturing mentally at an amazing rate.  I can see him becoming a strong and gentle priesthood holder and he impresses me daily with his new understanding of life in generally and his own life in specific. 

Physically, I can see major changes as well.  He is standing taller and walking better every day.  Even more than that, his confidence is growing.  He has been willing to walk more by himself (but still not as much as I would like) and he has been falling a lot less because he isn't second guessng himself or looking back for his spotter.

Therapy is one of the best things that has ever hapened to him, and I am so grateful for a therapist that Pat has been able to relate to and love so well.

Pinewood Derby Placing

Pat doesn't want me to post about this one, but I am going to anyway.  I bet you are wondering how SuperPat placed with the Patmobile.

Well sadly we must report that his car was voted "Least likely to cross the finished line without artificial support."  It started off great, but after a about a third of the race, it just ran out of gas.  Friends and onlookers had to push it across the finished line everytime.

Well, we can't make a fast car, but we sure can make a good looking racer.  Better luck next year SuperPat, at least all your wheels stayed on.  :)

Note:  SuperPat's racing and building coach was Reed.  Reed's pinewood derby racing career includes multiple car pile ups, a three wheeled year, and a year when his wheel fell off everytime someone looked at it.  Guess we better get them both a coach next year. 

My Two Sons (Dogs)

Pat always insists that the dogs are my sons and I blatantly disagree.  I tolerate them because I love Pat.  But lately, I have to admit that I might be starting to like them somewhat.  Especially since they have been spending their days in the backyard chasing eachother so they are tired at night.  Knock on wood, but they haven't escaped to roam the neighborhood for quite some time, at least that I know about.  :) 

They have also started sleeping in the hall instead of our bedroom again.  I really appreciate that because no matter what I did or said, some time during the night they would wind up on our bed when they were sleeping in our room.  Our bed was not made with enough room for two adults and two large dogs.   

I am so glad that Buster is starting to adjust to our house.  I think he has finally convinced himself that it is okay to like us and that he isn't going anywhere. He actually gets excited when I call his name or when we come home from being somewhere else and he has learned a new trick.  The other day he caught a treat in his mouth for the first time.  We used to say that Buster's trick is shaking hands and Hershey's trick is catching things but now they both do it.  Hershey is very jealous of the attention Buster gets for this, so he has started to make some pretty spectacular saves to keep Buster from getting all the treats.  It is so funny to watch them. 

Now that they are sleeping in the hall, they usually take turns sleeping in front of our door.  One dog will be sprawlled out over both beds and the other will lie down on the hardwood floor with his nose pressed up against the bottom of the door.  The next night their positions will be switched.  The other night I must have caught them off guard though because I came out of our room and they were both curled up on one bed spooning with eachother.  It was really funny and I wish that I could have gotten a picture, but they woke up and both looked pretty embarrassed about the whole thing. 

Ben and Tina and kids, thanks so much for giving Buster to us.  We are so glad to have him and Hershey and Buster are pretty inseparable now. 

Aunt Pam’s Buns

Please allow my to explain this title.  I have an Aunt Pam who makes the most amazing rolls.  Usually she makes them into crescents.  They are a little sweet and I could eat like a hundred of them, but so could everyone else so they usually are gone in a flash.  I have been telling Pat about them for a long time and today I am going to attempt to make them for the first time.  I have been promising to make them for a couple of weeks now and the house is abuzz with longing for them.  Finally we have all the ingredients and I have the time to make them  Everytime I say Aunt Pam's buns, Reed starts moaning about how good they are.  I just hope that they turn out as good as I remember since I have never made them.  I will let you know how they turn out.

Eat like it’s going to be your last meal

This is Pat's personal motto.  He says that he has a stomach like no other.  In that respect he is just like Hershey (we have heard labs referred to as "Lunch with legs").  I tried to call him "Meals on Wheels" but he didn't appreciate the humor in that remark. 

I have noticed that he really does try to treat every day like his last, maybe that it why he is so reluctant to sleep at night.  All I can say is that eating like it will be his last meal works for him, but I try to make my personal motto "Eat so this won't be your last meal". 

Somehow we will manage to get a unified focus for food one of these days.

Pizza Thursdays

I bet you are wondering how Pizza Thursdays are progressing?  Well, it is a work in progress.  This Thursday Reed helped Pat make crust from a box (they were supposed to be learning how to make it from scratch but oh well). 

The pizza was great, except for the fact that it was extra, extra crispy crust because when they put it into the oven, they didn't set the timer.  I guess Pat thought Reed was going to check it and Reed thought Pat was going to check it, so no one checked it.  It cooked for about 45 minutes and it is a miracle that it was not burnt, just hard as a rock.  :)

Pat says that it tasted good to hm but the pepperoni was made with processed cheese slices because SuperPat ran out of preshredded cheese.  That probably was not the best idea I ever had.  The barbecue chicken one was good flavor wise but we probably should have greased the pan first.  Oh well live and learn.  Better luck next time.  Next time i am really going to focus on the task and it will be yummy, good, nutricious and great.

I keep telling him that he learns more from his mistakes than he does his sucessess so this just helps him figure out what not to do next time.  Once he gets it working really well, we are going to have a pizza party and let all our friends do a taste test.

Our little boys

Pat and I are so blessed to have the chance to have so many little kids that we love in our lives.  One of the best things we get to do is to babysit for our little friends Ethan and Kaleb while their parents are at therapy.  We love taking them out for ice cream before we take them home to put them to bed. 

The other day I was talking to their mom and she told me about a conversation she had with Ethan.  Ethan had asked his mom why we didn't have kids.  As a sidenote, we get asked this a lot by our friends who are children.  And we always tell them that we will someday have some but in the meantime it means that we get to spoil them and love them like they are our own.  Bonnie said something to Ethan that was along the same lines and then he started to cry.

When she asked him why he was crying, he said that he didn't want us to ever have kids because then we wouldn't love him anymore.  I just have to say to Ethan and to all of our little friends and neices and nephews that we will always love you and we are so glad to have you in our lives.  We are very blessed to have so many friends with children that we love.

All I want for Christmas is a new sink, new dishwasher, new electrical work

I just have to say that there are some days that I would give just about anything to live in an apartment again.  It was so nice to be able to call up the landlord and tell him that something wasn't working right and know that he would get someone out to come fix it.  Plus does anyone really like yardwork?  Maybe those people without allergies to pollen, grass, weeds, and bees.  :) 

We have had a month of things breaking down.  First it was the sink.  I came home from work one day and my brother and husband announced that the tailpipe of the sink was no longer connected to the rest of the sink.  WHAT???  We were able to get a plumber in to fix the problem but I was mystified as to how that could happen.  For quite a while I secretly wondered if my junior plumber attempts had caused it.  Then Pat let me in on a little secret that made me realize that it was not my fault at all.  We won't say what he told me, to protect the not so innocent, but for once, SuperPat was not the root of the problem.  (nothing against him, but he has a lot of learning to do about mechanics, plumbing, etc). 

Life seemed to be pretty good, but then I noticed the giant dent in the front of our dishwasher.  It looked like someone had tried to kick it in, or that Pat hit it at tope speed in his power chair.  No one would confess and if the dogs know, they aren't talking.  After that, every couple of loads, the dishwasher would not drain at the end of the cycle.  Since the boys do most of the dishes in the evenings, I didn't find this out until about 11pm on a Saturday night.  Not the best time to get a repairman.  Sigh.  So after the repairman came, we found out that the line was completely full of grease.  I bet you are mentally adding two and two and coming up with four.  I know I did.  They did promise never to do it again. 

Since problems come in threes sometimes, I guess I am not too surprised that now the lights in our bedroom are flickering and our overhead light behaves like someone in another room is flicking the switch on and off.  I have no clue what the problem is, but my brother tells me that the wiring probably needs to be replaced in the house.  Double sigh, guess I know what the next step is. 

Time flies

So at least once or twice a day for the past month or so, I have thought about things I should put on the blog.  But as you can see, I haven't.  :)  Since I really don't want to work on filing my taxes right now, I thought I would play a little catch up.  So be ready for a lot of posts, I am going to try to get Pat to post as well.  I am not going to worry about the order we post in, so if my days jump around, sorry in advance!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

5 Fabulous reasons to love Hump Day

In random order:

1.  Great friends who don't mind having a birthday so that we have an excuse to go out to lunch together.  Yum Yum.  We have the best friends in the world and I don't know what we would do without them.  I am so grateful for the knowledge that not only family relationships but friendships will carry on through the eternities.  Thank goodness for kindred spirits.

2.  Pizza Thursdays.  Pat has discovered the joy of homemade pizza and has been experimenting with new toppings and ideas.  We have been having Pizza Thursday at our house, he is trying to work up to making his own pizza dough from scratch.  Tomorrow the menu items are pepperoni and barbeque hawaii chicken.

3.  Pat's continued progress both in walking and in other areas.  Please allow me to brag for a moment.  Pat recently walked from the front door of Sam's club to the car pushing the grocery cart, unhooked himself from the stop sign and the handicap sign, and got into the car with only very minimal assistance (a hand on his back, two times).  This was very challenging for him because the grocery cart changes his center of gravity and forces him to rely on his legs more than his hands because when he uses his hands too much, the cart really goes forward quickly.  :)  I have to admit it is so amusing to watch though.  Also, Pat has been carrying his own walker up the stairs when we go to therapy.  Last week he dropped it a few times and managed to squat down and pick it up again so that he could unfold it.  This was on the top of the stairs and he did not loose his balance once.  I really wish that I could figure out how to get a video of this on the blog, it is quite amazing to watch.

4.  Nieces and nephews, and cousins, and family.  My sister Angie sent a few pictures to us of their kids, Kat and Tim's wedding, and various family members.  I took a couple of them to work to update my collage, which is really great but every time I see Tim and Kat's picture, I remember how much fun the wedding trip was and miss everyone all over again.  And every time I see the picture of Susan, Lilly, and Andrew, I wish that they lived closer so that I could just squeeze them to pieces because they are so cute.  Charlyn - we don't have any pictures of Julia except for the ones I used for her baby shower invitation.  I think you owe us.  :)

5.  Blogs.  I haven't read anyone's blog for about a month, and it was so fun to catch up on everything.  Pat and I have been reading and looking at pictures and just having a grand old time living vicariously through our friends and families lives for the past hour. 

And a bonus reason to love Hump Day, most excellent therapists who are brought to us through the tender mercies of the Lord.  I can't imagine how we would be coping right now if we hadn't started seeing Emily and working through some of Pat's experiences.  As painful as it is, and it is horrendously painful, there is no progress without growth and she has helped us grow so much. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What is SuperPat up to?

Well, it seems that SuperPat might have more in common with Momma Spud than we first thought.  It seems that Momma Spud's arch nemesis is the Couch.  Capital Letters for effect and respect. Well SuperPat's love affair is with his bed.  It is so warm, cozy and inviting.  In the morning, with the sweet smell of SuperGirl's morning lavations and shampoo floating in, the warm sun shining in the window, and the soft doggy snores to accompany his dreams, it seems that nothing can rouse SuperPat from his roost.  One is left to wonder if SuperGirl should try to slip a pea or two under the mattress.  Maybe that is too subtle though, perhaps a bowling ball would work better.  Is there nothing that can save us from this terrible trap?  If anyone has ideas, please weigh in.

On a more serious note, SuperGirl has gotten really tired of feeling jealous of SuperPat's lounging, so she submitted an employment application for the new grocery store in town.  Keep your fingers crossed and the prayer lines open, we are sure hoping for something great.  Maybe this will be the way at last to break the magnetic pull of the sheets.

Once the bed problem has been solved, it will be on to the mystery of who reversed the velcro on SuperPat's wheelchair cushion so his bum stays stuck to the wheelchair seat...

Top secret letter from Momma Spud (Mel's mom) to SuperPat

Aha! Someone is trying to sabotage the A. Tator family! Sometimes Darth Tator's ugly old couch seems to call out to me and I just succumb to it's softness. There isn't a couch like it in the world! What comfort! What JOY! What BLISS, after my hard workouts each morning! Sometimes, I just can't help it. Is it a trick? I just need to know. Don't my aching bones deserve a soft place to land after that Fitness Coach is done with me? I think so!!!!!!! It feels like heaven. Who says something old can't be useful! I get such delightful naps. I can't bear to part with it now. Darth Tator, your couch lives on for a few more months . . . till I find out the intent of our enemy. What's our Deal SuperPat????? Are you with us or against us. Come on!!! Let's go for it!!!!! Just so you know, once I got started with my Fitness Coach, she never lets me off. I'm working hard and not missing a day... soon I'll be a lean mean Mama Machine. I KNOW! They are HOPING I'll take naps so I won't sleep at night. Aha! That is where my real power is going! I don't sleep well at night anymore. My bed feels like lumps! I hear your bed feels mighty fine. Have they got you too??? Help!!!!! I need you, SuperPat! Save me!!!!!

Love,Mama Spud

PS Papa Spud is saving for a treadmill but it may be too late.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top secret letter to Super Pat

Here is a top secret letter from Mama Spud to Super Pat in response to his comment about the Mr. Potato Head Gift that the Spud Family gave us for Christmas.  Sounds like Mama Spud has her "eyes" on you Super Pat!

Just to defend myself . . . I didn't give you those cute, sweet, fun, adorable, amazing, bright, strong potato Heads to make you feel bad. (Evil laugh under my breathe!) The Treadmill seems to be where SuperPat is now getting his powers. Hmmmm!
Just so you know, I put those rugs in your way to see if you really could make it. Sorry you took a dive . . . but there it is! The Challenge is on!!!!
Heh, I've now got a Personal Coach . . . AND I'm thinking about throwing out the couch. Darth Tator . . . sorry but it's going to burn!!!!! Too many using it for a bed and slacking off. So! I'm wearing out the LRoom carpet with my feet . . . and we'll see who wins. What is the new deal? I guess I still owe SuperPat moola but I think he should owe me the weeks he doesn't walk. Hahahahaaaa!


Mama Spud

Monday, January 3, 2011

Update on Pat's walking

Well we should probably start off by saying that Pat did not win the bet... yet.  I heard that he is trying to get double or nothing going.  We were touched and overwhelmed by the comments and praise from our family and friends, most of who we did not realize even knew about the bet.  We truly are blessed with the very best support group.  So here are some highlights from our trip and recent gym sessions:

For the Utah trip, I want to go on the record saying that Pat was the one who requested that we keep the second story room in the hotel with no elevator.  He did a great job climbing up and down the stairs a few times without seeming tired at all.  He said he wouldn't have minded even if he was on the third floor.  (but I bet our bellboys were glad they didn't have to carry the bags up and down another flight). 

Pat decided that it would be best to take his wheelchair with him due to the sheer distance and I am glad that we did even though he didn't use it much.  He walked and walked and walked especially at the temple.  He was standing so much straighter and walking faster and more evenly.  He seemed like a different man almost.  You could tell that he really didn't feel like he had to rely on a spotter to walk behind him anymore like he used to.  I think given 6 more months, he could make the whole trip on his own with the walker.

We did have a small blip on the radar, he did fall down once at the rest stop but a nice police officer offered to help him up and we were back on the way again.  Considering all of the rugs he traversed without falling, the fact that he fell on this one is pretty amazing.  Don't tell him but it might have been partially my fault anyway because I was looking away when he fell and didn't exactly see what happened.  But that is part of learning to walk on his own.

So now for the truly amazing news.  Last week we decided to drag our saggy rear ends back to the gym.  (It had been a while).  Pat got on the Elliptical and managed to make it a few turns around before he got off.  It was quire an education for him, but it didn't stop him from talking smack when at my 20 minute mark I was slowing down because I had chosen to much of an incline.  He quickly stopped the smack talk when I threatened to make him get back on and do a whole minute this time.  That wasn't the amazing part though. 

Once he got on the treadmill, he really started to shine.  He walked 5 minutes straight without stopping and then got off while I ran a few miles.  Then he got back on and did two separate chunks of 4 and 3 1/2 minutes for a grand total of 12 1/2 minutes.  He kept saying just one more minute, one more minute when I asked him if he wanted to get off.  I made him get off because it was pretty clear from the way his left leg was shaking that he would be falling on me soon if I didn't kick him off.

And today, it just keeps getting even sweeter. Pat got himself on the tread mill (he has never done this before) and while it was not the conventional way of getting on, he did it all by himself which is not to be sneezed at.  He only did one straight shot today, but it was 8 1/2 minutes which is by far his longest stretch ever.  The fact that he can even walk on the treadmill pretty much by himself is amazing.  He tried to get Reed to agree to by a three month gym membership and go to the gym with him when he hits a 15 minute stretch but maybe he should have waited until Reed agreed before telling him how long he walked today.  hee hee.

And for the record, Mama Spud sent us a potato head family with pets for Christmas so we could be reminded of how close we are and who is going to be on top and who is going to be a pile of potatoes!

The wedding and reception

I didn't want to include my thoughts about the wedding and reception in my trip post because it was too special for that.  Spoiler aler - I am feeling kind of sappy, so please feel free to skip this post if you are not.

For me one of the best moments was when we were taking a rest from our many laps around the temple and we saw Kat for the first time.  She asked us where Tim was and while she seemed nervous that he wasn't there yet, there was a peace about her that I had never felt before.  I remember looking at her an something touched my spirit with the thought that my sisters and I were finally getting to have one of our spirit sisters who had been separated from us by birth.  I don't know how to explain it other than to use the phrase from one of my favorite books "I think you may be a kindred spirit after all". 

In thinking about our family dynamics and everything I came to wonder if maybe some of the peace that I saw was because Tim is finally Kat's and Kat is finally Tim's and nothing can change that.  I know that is how I felt on my wedding day.  It doesn't matter who does or doesn't approve (not that it mattered anyway), we are an eternal family now and no one can change that.  This probably isn't making much sense, it is one of those concepts that makes perfect sense until you try to explain it or write it down.

The reception was so elegant and beautiful, and everything I think of when I think of the woman Kat is becoming.  I couldn't think of a way to make it more perfect and I really enjoyed that it was small and intimate instead of what it would have been if it had been in Idaho.  We really enjoyed getting a chance to celebrate with everyone who was there.  But Kat and Tim had better plan a visit to see us sometime, we sure didn't get as much time to hang out with them as we would have wanted. 

Back on the wagon again

I have been promising Pat for days that I would get back on the wagon again and blog about our trip, his gym success, etc.  So I guess it is time to make good on my promise.

We had such a wonderful trip to Utah for Kat and Tim's wedding.  I have to admit that even though I really wasn't onboard with the idea at first, it turned out so wonderful that I wouldn't have had it any other way.  So here are some of my thoughts about the trip.  I will blog about Pat's accomplishments in a few minutes.

Things that weren't so great
  • The Provo Tabernacle burning down - and staying in a hotel right next door while it was still on fire.  I will always remember going to Stake Conference there when I was at BYU and not remembering a single thing the speakers talked about because I was so busy looking at the beautiful building around me.
  • Poor Julia teething.  She is such a fun pleasant baby and she has the most beautiful smile, but you could tell she felt awful and my heart just went out to her.
  • Pat having to walk double laps at the temple because of some confusion with the workers about what we were trying to do.  He says he didn't mind much though and he didn't complain ...much.
  • Reed loosing our car at the temple parking and having to walk and walk and walk and walk only to have him turn around and say that he thought we should have gone up at level three instead of down.  Next time, we opt for valet parking.  :)
  • Aunt Debbie not getting to come.  Pat says that it just wasn't the same without her.  Not that we don't love all of our family tons.  We would say the same about Loren, but we know he is right where he needs to be.
Things that were awesome
  • Getting to see all of our wonderful family that came.  Pat loved meeting a few members that he had only heard stories about.  Now he knows what we mean when we talk about Uncle Kevin hitting his head on the ceiling fan because he is so tall.
  • Pat seeing the lights on Temple Square for the first time.  We want to go back when we have time to go to the visitor's center and watch the nativity.  We were sad that David Archuleta was singing with MoTab so we couldn't go.
  • Lunch with our friends from Greeley at their restaurant in Lindon where we had some pretty amazing Australian Barbecue.  I loved getting a chance to catch up with them, it has been about 5 years I think.  Pat loved the food, but what is new.  Dad, all I have to say is that you really missed out.  It ended up being the same price as McDonalds.  The really funny thing was that as we left, they mentioned in passing that they had opened a second express location in Provo.  So we could have all eaten there, but we wouldn't have gotten to see the McFaddens.
  • Getting to hold, see, play with our nieces and nephews who we never see enough of.  But of course that always makes us baby hungry.  Pat get walking!!!
  • Dancing at the wedding reception and seeing the look on Pat's face when Dad and Mom danced by.  That really made his day.
To sum it all up, we just wish we could have had one more day with everyone.  We love you all!