Wednesday, February 23, 2011

5 Fabulous reasons to love Hump Day

In random order:

1.  Great friends who don't mind having a birthday so that we have an excuse to go out to lunch together.  Yum Yum.  We have the best friends in the world and I don't know what we would do without them.  I am so grateful for the knowledge that not only family relationships but friendships will carry on through the eternities.  Thank goodness for kindred spirits.

2.  Pizza Thursdays.  Pat has discovered the joy of homemade pizza and has been experimenting with new toppings and ideas.  We have been having Pizza Thursday at our house, he is trying to work up to making his own pizza dough from scratch.  Tomorrow the menu items are pepperoni and barbeque hawaii chicken.

3.  Pat's continued progress both in walking and in other areas.  Please allow me to brag for a moment.  Pat recently walked from the front door of Sam's club to the car pushing the grocery cart, unhooked himself from the stop sign and the handicap sign, and got into the car with only very minimal assistance (a hand on his back, two times).  This was very challenging for him because the grocery cart changes his center of gravity and forces him to rely on his legs more than his hands because when he uses his hands too much, the cart really goes forward quickly.  :)  I have to admit it is so amusing to watch though.  Also, Pat has been carrying his own walker up the stairs when we go to therapy.  Last week he dropped it a few times and managed to squat down and pick it up again so that he could unfold it.  This was on the top of the stairs and he did not loose his balance once.  I really wish that I could figure out how to get a video of this on the blog, it is quite amazing to watch.

4.  Nieces and nephews, and cousins, and family.  My sister Angie sent a few pictures to us of their kids, Kat and Tim's wedding, and various family members.  I took a couple of them to work to update my collage, which is really great but every time I see Tim and Kat's picture, I remember how much fun the wedding trip was and miss everyone all over again.  And every time I see the picture of Susan, Lilly, and Andrew, I wish that they lived closer so that I could just squeeze them to pieces because they are so cute.  Charlyn - we don't have any pictures of Julia except for the ones I used for her baby shower invitation.  I think you owe us.  :)

5.  Blogs.  I haven't read anyone's blog for about a month, and it was so fun to catch up on everything.  Pat and I have been reading and looking at pictures and just having a grand old time living vicariously through our friends and families lives for the past hour. 

And a bonus reason to love Hump Day, most excellent therapists who are brought to us through the tender mercies of the Lord.  I can't imagine how we would be coping right now if we hadn't started seeing Emily and working through some of Pat's experiences.  As painful as it is, and it is horrendously painful, there is no progress without growth and she has helped us grow so much.