It all began from Pat's desire to walk again and his family's desire to help him. Being the great brothers-in-law that they are, Daniel and Reed wanted to do more than just talk to help out. The talk started as all good talks do, with food. Daniel proposed a wager concerning a meal at he and Pat's favorie eating establishment and Pat was in. Then Reed hit on Pat's other soft spot by suggesting that some money come into the bargain. So how does this all work for Pat? If he makes the finish line at the end of the year, he gets some pretty awesome rewards.
The Dream:
* To be able to walk using only the support of his own two legs and his trusty walker (or cane if he desires)
The Rewards:
* Dinner for two (Daniel and Pat) at RoeAnn's
* $100 in Pat's pocket
* A slimer, lighter Reed (15 lbs lighter to be exact)
* Bragging rights for life
* The party of a lifetime at which Pat will donate all of his wheelchairs and medical equipment to a wonderful cause, some one else's dream to walk.
The Payoff:
* Pat must purchase dinner for Daniel at RoeAnn's
* Pat must complete 200 push-ups
* A new challenge and goal, because we will never give up
The Deadline:
* The end of the year
He knows his goal is lofty, but with such a fabulous support system as Pat has, there is no way that he can possibly fail. So do you believe that he can complete the challenge? Feel free to weigh in and tell him what you think.
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