Saturday, April 27, 2013

April sightings

Since we haven't really had any April showers, we decided to post about a few of the fun(funny) things we have seen recently. 

Funny sighting number one - Hershey has been barking his head off the last few days in the morning and we could not figure out why.  I honestly thought he must have heard the toaster or my cereal being poured into the bowl and wanted some, but I finally figured it out.  One day last week, I happened to look out the window when he was barking like mad.  To my big surprise, there was a wild turkey in the neighbor's driveway.  I think he was either trying to warn it off of our property, inviting it to come play, or letting it know his plans to eat it.  Mystery solved.

Fun sighting number two - The very next morning as I was driving into the parking lot at work, I happened to notice the deer crossing sign.  And I thought to myself, I know we are close to the river, but surely the deer won't get this close to people and buildings.  And then I saw five mule deer in the parking lot.  I got to watch them for a few minutes before I went into work as they mowed the lawn and chomped on some weeds.

Funny sighting number three - Pat walking down the hall with his pants around his ankles.  This is a pretty common occurance and is really quite amazing because it shows how much more confident he is getting.

Pretty darn amazing sighting - Pat standing in front of his chair swinging his walker to and fro in the air.  I really can't do this one justice, but it is awesome.  We are thinking about having a picture of him holding his walker in the air over his head for next Christmas.  :)

1 comment:

Angie said...

Thanks for making me smile! I would love to see that Christmas picture!