Saturday, October 10, 2015

No more wifezilla!

First, a confession. 

I have a handy, dandy app on my phone that tracks sleep and it's effectiveness.  So for an experiment, I tracked my sleep last week.  Out of 56 possible hours of sleep, I actually laid in bed trying to sleep for only 44.3 hours.  So at the very maximum I was 11.6 hours short last week of the sleep I should have (and needed) to have gotten. 

Why do I confess this?  Well, I was a big wifezilla/sisterzilla last week (REALLY, REALLY sorry Daniel and Pat!)  And how can I expect Patrick to make sweeping changes in his life when I can't even handle a little thing that makes me feel good like getting enough sleep. 

I have tried quite a few different things, but haven't been able to change so far.  I heard a great quote in one of my classes this week that I want to put to the test.  She said "Everyday you get to decide again who and what you will be."  I know that I don't want to be a wifezilla anymore and I need some help. 

And I know that there are some specific steps to change. 

1. recognizing your problem
2. admitting your problem
3. changing your habits
4. accountability
5. acknowledging your success

So now I can check off one and two from this list.  But I need help with 3 and by posting this here, I am asking for you all to help hold me accountable (check 4 off list).  Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas that might help?  Does anyone want to be my accountability partner or participate in a challenge here? 

Maybe those of you who are really good about getting enough sleep can share some suggestions with those of us who are deficient in this category.  :)  And those that fall in the bandwagon with me could join me in the challenge? 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Inspiring video about overcoming difficulties and learning to be self-sufficient

I decided to post a different kind of video today, but still one that I found inspiring.  We have been discussing family crises and how we handle them in one of my classes this week and one of my fellow students shared this amazing youtube video with me.  Be forewarned, it made me cry!

True Story of A Mother, A Daughter, and A Pineapple

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Swimming videos

Pat wanted me to share a few videos of his pool walking with you.  When I was filming him, I was thinking about the very first time I got him in the pool in Greeley with his physical therapist.  He couldn't even go 5 seconds without someone holding him up.  I remember the therapist saying that once he got better at standing on his own, someone could make gentle ripples in the water around him to make a little current so he could try to stand with a little current.  I remember the look of genuine panic on his face and I remember distinctly thinking that it was a grand thought, but I didn't know when/if we could ever get there.  I sure wish I had a video of that first session that I could show.

Well, if you notice, on one of the videos I am posting today, there are other swimmers in the other lanes of the pool.  They tend to be serious swimmers and often splash us quite a bit as they pass.  As you can see, the swimmer splashing by doesn't even phase him, even when he is walking on his own.  What a blessing that he has been able to make so much progress!  I know sometimes he feels like he isn't getting anywhere, but when I look at how much stronger and confident he is, I almost can't believe it.

Here is Pat air clapping.

Here is Pat demonstrating his balance with arm raises.  This is after he has walked for about an hour.  :)  So he was a little tired.  

I tried to post the last two, but it looks like they are too large.  If you still want to see them, you can access them by clicking on the links below.  These are the best one, I highly recommend them!

Pat surely is a superhero.  Whoever gave him the nickname Superpat sure got it right!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Walking in water

Pat and I recently went on a trip to Utah and while we were there, we stayed a few nights in a hotel that had a pool.  Pat has really been working on his walking in the pool (we recently joined a new gym that has a fantastic pool) and wanted to show everyone how he is doing.  The videos below are from the hotel pool, so the conditions were a little less than ideal, but you can get the jist. 
This first video is to show you how well Pat is doing with his standing balance.  You can't really tell, but the swimming pool floor is at a slant, so that made things a little more tricky...

This next video is to show you how well Pat is doing with his footwork.  He is really working on lifting his knees up, which makes him a little sore the next day, but it is worth it. 

Now here is a video of him using only one hand.  He isn't quite ready to go it completely on his own, but look how straight he is able to walk with only a little assistance.  I had one for the left hand also, but can't seem to find it now.  When I do, I will post it. 
And last but not least, here are a few videos of him "saving" himself.  When he first got into the pool, he was terrified because he can't swim.  One of the first things I taught him to do was how to float on his back so that he could feel like he could always rescue himself if he got into trouble.  Since our recent round in the pool, he taught himself how to go from the backfloat to a standing position.  In a non-slanted pool, he is able to get his balance and stand there for a few minutes, but wasn't able to do it in this pool (you might see me grabbing for him at the end as he starts to go under again).  He has come so far in such a short time, I can't tell you how proud I am of him.  He's AMAZING!