Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Missing: One laptop, very suspicious circumnstances

Some of you may know about a little mystery that we have.  When we made our first trip to Idaho with the rental truck, there was some debate about what to do with my laptop.  My decision was to leave it in the storage unit because it is outdated and I knew that without wireless internet, we wouldn't be using it much.  Pretty simple, right? 

Well the problem is that everyone who had anything to do with it has a different memory of how we stored it, etc.  And none of those memories really match.  To make a long story short, we have made several unsuccessful fishing expeditions in the storage unit, and we still can't find it. 

We thought we got lucky this last time when I opened up a taped box and found the case.  Sadly, when I opened the case, it was empty.  So we really don't have a clue what happened to it.  But now that we finally broke down and bought a new laptop, we are sure to find it, right?  At any rate, Pat will really love his new computer.  :)


Merry said...

Oh, that is so frustrating!! But enjoy the upside (new computer), right?

Alanna said...

That's funny. I'm sure it will show up eventually but it sounds like you all were due for a new computer anyway. So have fun with it!