Sunday, November 28, 2010

Playin' ketchup

Have you heard the saying "slow and steady wins the race?"  Well I am not sure that SuperPat will win the bet, but he has been going pretty slow and steady.  He has absolutely loved having Darth Tator move in but Darth's diabolical plan to keep him from really performing at his maximum pace is working.  (Sorry Darth, I know it really isn't you, but you are a convenient excuse for SuperPat.)  Only a few weeks left until the day of the bet, SuperPat it is time to keep the steady but change the speed from slow to super sonic!  Darth, we hope that there is not blood but ketchup on the floor at the end of this challenge, prepare to be dipped!

1 comment:

Alanna said...

Steady is good but I agree a faster pace would also be good. Come on Super Pat!