Sunday, August 14, 2011

Double or Nothing

It's a Big Jud's Double or Nothing Challenge.  Here are the rules:

*Each participant must choose two items to work on daily. 
*Each participant should choose one item that requires a duration of time (i.e. 20 minutes, 15 minutes of something.) and one task that does not (i.e. getting up at a certain time).  This will allow for make up days.
*Each participant must let me know that they want to do the challenge by August 20th.  I will provide a list of participants on the blog. 
*Each participant must let me know which two items they are working on by August 20th so that I may also list this on the blog.
*Each participant must choose some method of tracking and reporting progress to the rest of the group.  I think that charts are a great tracking mechanism, Pat and I will probably do a chart with routine blog updates. (I would also suggest having a buddy to provide encouragement.)
*Once the challenge is underway, no modifications can be made to an individual's goal without express consent of the group.
*Each participant agrees to work together to constructively help each other meet goals.  I.e. no putdowns
*No dropping out if you start to hit a slump.  Instead, let us know so that we can help you.
*Contest length will be one year.  For the Atwood family, this will allow us to have our celebration when the family is visiting for Loren's homecoming.
*You don't have to be a family member or live in the Emmett area, if you want to participate, let me know and we can work something out.
*Periodic extra credit challenges may crop up to help even the playing field.  :)

The payoff:
*For those who will be in the Emmett area, dinner at Big Jud's.  If Pat and/or Melissa have the most days, the other participants can buy our lunch/dinner.  If anyone beats us, we will pay for their dinner (including the Big Jud's challenge if you wish to do so). 
              ***Pat and Melissa are having an internal buddy challenge, whoever looses has to do the dishes the whole next month. 

How the winner(s) is determined:
*Since we will be doing two tasks for 365 days, the winner will be the person who has the highest number of days out of the possible 730.
*To prevent discouragement and to allow flexibility for tight schedules, for the time specific tasks, make up days are allowed by doubleing up the time on the next day.  (i.e. instead of reading 20 minutes each day, Pat may choose to read 40 minutes every other day).
*To prevent procrastination, make up days are only allowed within the same calendar week that the item was missed.  So you can never do more than 7 days catch up.

We hope you all want to participate, let us know by August 20th if you do.


Merry said...

If I lived near you guys, I would totally do this. Your goals sound great!

Merry said...

Oh, by the way, I would like your email address! Please email me at merry . gravett @ gmail . com so that I can have your email address. I want to be able to keep in touch with you!