Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pat's first lap (but not his last)

Please join me in giving Pat a great  big congratulations on his successful lap around the track at Heath Middle School!!!  For those of you who are not familiar with this school, this track is a quarter of a mile around.  He made a great plan to rest every quarter of the track and drink some water and said when he finished that he felt like he could have done at least one more lap.  (I think he was overly optomistic about his remaining stamina, but that makes me much happier than when he says he can't do it.  :)

When we got home, he still had enough energy to use the walker to get into the house and opened the front door from a standing position for the first time in his life.  Congratulations Pat, we are SO proud of you!


Merry said...

Wow! Good job Pat! I'm proud of you!

Alanna said...

Awesome job Pat. Keep up the good work!

Angie said...

Keep it up, bud! That's awesome!

Nana Renee said...

Yeah Pat! We knew you had it in you! Walking will change your world . . . so many wonderful experiences ahead that you wouldn't have had otherwise. We love you. Your example touches so many. Love you forever!