Sunday, July 15, 2012

Goodbye Greeley

Well the bags and boxes as packed and all that is left is a quick wash for the dog (he smells like dog a little too much) and to pack the vans.  It's hard to believe that it is finally time to go.  I have wanted this for so long, but my wife was the last holdout.  Not because she doesn't want to go, but this was like home to her.  To both of us really. 

To all of my favorite places to eat.  I will miss you, but there is always another meal around the corner. 

To all of our great friends and most of our family here we will miss you all so much, you have been amazing.  (Those that we won't miss, I think you know who you are). 

Goodbye to Greeley for now, Emmett Here We Come.


Alanna said...

We will miss you all. Best of luck to you.

emuli said...

How sad to leave Greeley. But how is the West treating you? I miss you two.