Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wanted dead or alive, two runaways rascals

Well, clearly the dogs have not made the new dog area their home.  Note to self, install a lock on the inside of the fence as well as the outside.  I guess it is my fault for thinking for a second that I liked dogs and that I should be a responsible pet owner and try to play with them.  As it was getting dark, I went out back to try to play with them.  They played with me for half a second, then Hershey being the pig head that he is, he thought, Hmmm, I wonder what happens when I headbutt the gate.  Yup, you guessed it, they smelled freedom and ran for their lives.  After running a couple of blocks, I decided to go back and get some shoes.  Hershey remembered the A/C and raced me home.  Yup, he beat me.  Since I didn't have a clue where Buster had gone I thought that maybe Hershey could help me track him down.  So I clipped Hershey to the two dog leash and off we went.  After we had run about a half a mile (in the wrong direction), I glanced behind me and saw Buster.... behind me.  So we turned around and ran the half a mile back plus a bunch extra.  Everytime I got close enough to grab Buster, Hershey would start to snarl and try to wrestle with him.  Buster didn't like it so much, so he ran off again.  As tempting as it was to just turn around and leave him, I was afraid he would do something dumb like try to find his previous family who are now in Hawaii or run into the street and get ran over.  I finally got mad enough that Hershey and I stormed home.  I am fairly certain that I ran about 2 miles tonight, boy am I tired now. 

I bet you can guess what happened next.  I left the door open for a few minutes to see if Buster would find his way home (I don't think he really likes us much though, so I wasn't really sure if he would come back on his own).  After deciding that too many bugs were getting in, I shut the door.  A few seconds later I went back to open the door and check one last time and Buster streaked in like everything was just fine and he didn't have a care in the world. 

No sooner than I sat down to blog, and Pat and the EQ president came in and I had to grab the dogs quickly before they ran again.  Oh the life of a pet owner.  Pat, I am going on record now, when they die, that's it.  NO MORE.  :)

While I am ranting about dogs, here are some things that my dogs have taught each other.  Why oh why can't they teach each other good habits instead of bad?  I guess that is just asking to much.  Anyway:

1 - Buster has taught Hershey to drink from the toilet.  As soon as I stop gagging, I am going to make a sign to glue to the toilet seat to remind Pat that it must be closed every time. 
2 - Hershey has taught Buster to grab any food that even looks like it might hit the floor, and with Pat, that can be a lot.  Pat has lost his food to the dogs many times because he has left it on his lap. 
3 - Buster has taught Hershey that it is okay not to have a bladder of steele and you can always use the excuse that you just couldn't wait.  I don't think I need to elaborate more
4 - Hershey has taught Buster to bolt for the door, any door, the second it is opened. 
5 - Hershey has taught Buster to wrestle, this might not sound like a bad thing, but see above when you are trying to catch them both at the same time. 

We have also learned that Hershey is insanely jealous.  I already suspected that because when I try to pay attention to Pat, he always tries to get in the middle.  Why he likes me so much more than Pat, I'll never know.  The feeling definately is not mutual.  On the plus side, Hershey is learning to shake paws because Buster always gets praised for doing this.  He won't do it on his own, but if Buster is doing it, Hershey will.

But as much as I like or dislike them, at the end of the day, they can bring a smile to Pat's face like nothing else, so I guess I will keep them. 


Alanna said...

Sounds like a busy, busy night. I'm so glad you got your fence up. Hopefully the dogs will get used to it.

Tina said...

I am very dissaponted in Buster's behavior! He's been naughty. I hope he's settled down. Just for the record - he never drank from the toilets (he only stayed in the living room b/c he didn't like walking on the wood floor) and he *IS* able to hold his pee.

It's great to hear that you guys are doing so well! We're so excitied about all the progess that Pat has made and looking forward to hearing of more success!

Miss you!